Parents Meet the Headteacher February 4th 3:30pm

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Alleyne’s Academy
Oulton Road
ST15 8DT

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Tel: 01785 337400

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Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 16:00
Friday: 08:00 - 15:30

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By Car - From The South

From the M6 Leave the motorway at Junction 14 (Stafford North). Take the third exit on the roundabout (turn right). At the next roundabout take 2nd exit (straight ahead). At the next roundabout take 1st exit (turn left). Follow signs for A34 Stone (this is a dual carriageway with speed cameras). After 4 miles, on the edge of Stone take the second exit (straight ahead), follow signs for A34, Stone Town Sign – Stone Canal Town. After 3/4 mile, at the next roundabout take the third exit (turn right) follow signs for A520, Stone. After 1/4 mile join the one-way system * Follow the signs for A520 Leek and after about 1/2 mile you will leave the one-way system. Go up the hill and over the railway bridge. Immediately after the railway bridge turn left in front of Langtry’s pub (Alleyne’s Academy and Sports Centre is signposted). After 20 yards turn right into Oulton Road. The school is 1/2 mile up this road, on the right.


By Car - From The North

Leave the M6 at Junction 15. On the roundabout take the second exit (straight ahead) follow the signs for A34 Stone. After ½ mile take the slip road on the left, signed A34, Stone. At the roundabout take the third exit (turn right) signed A34, Stone (this is a dual carriageway with speed cameras). At traffic lights go straight ahead. At the next roundabout (Trentham Gardens) go straight ahead signed A34, Stone. After 3 miles take the first exit at the next roundabout signed A34 Stone. Go straight on at the first roundabout and then after 1/2 mile go straight on at the next roundabout then turn left on A5027 at the third roundabout. One mile later join the one-way system. Follow directions from * above.

By Car - From The East

Travelling towards Stone on the A520 the road passes through a narrow valley with impressive red sandstone cliffs. As the valley widens, on the outskirts of Stone, shortly after passing the 30 mph sign, turn right into Airdale Road. Alleyne’s Academy and Sports Centre is signposted. This is a difficult turn into a road which climbs quite steeply immediately after the junction. As you go up the hill you will see the back of the school on the left You need to drive to the front of the school. Follow Airdale Road round a very sharp left-handed bend to the end, turn left into Oulton Road. After 200 yards the main school entrance is on the left.

By Bus

There are regular bus services from Stafford and Hanley in Stoke-on-Trent. Travelling from Hanley alight at the Post Public House-Weatherspoons ** Turn left into Radford Street and walk up the hill. Over the railway bridge turn left in front of Langtrys pub and then take the first right into Oulton Road. Walk up the hill and the main school entrance is on the right.

Coming from Stafford alight in Crown Street. Continue up Crown Street following the one-way system. Follow the signs for the A520 for Leek. Once in Radford Street follow route from ** above.

By Train

Alight at Stone Station. Walk down the station drive and turn left over the level crossing. Take the first right and immediately right again into Victor Terrace. Continue to the end of the road, passing a park on the left hand side towards the end of the road. At the junction cross over into Oulton Road and continue up the hill, the school is on the right.