In Year 12 you have the opportunity to take part in the Young Enterprise company programme. This is a where a team of students will work together to create a product or service that they think will not only make sales but also have a big impact on people’s lives.
This company programme will start from October 2023, but before that a team needs to be formed. This is a perfect chance to register your interest in the programme and write a letter of application to express your interest and apply to the programme. You don’t have to study Business in sixth form to take part and it is a really beneficial achievement to put on your CV, application forms and UCAS personal statements. It shows commitment to a cause and the ability to work as a team. The whole process lasts until May (2024) if you make it through to the grand final which is hosted in London. The first event is a trade fair at the World of Wedgewood in March and a company presentation in April. If you make it through this round, you will then compete against other schools in the West Midlands to make it through to the London final. Not all members of the team have to present, so if you’d rather take a back seat and work directly on the product, that’s fine too!
Any profits that you make as a company, you get to keep for yourselves so it benefits you if your product/service makes a profit. You are allowed to host fundraisers to raise start-up capital in the first instance and then you must begin selling your product/service. You must design all marketing material and use connections you may have to source materials if needed. You will need to conduct market research to see if your product/service will sell and you will also need to cost up your item and decided an appropriate pricing strategy. The company programme will enable you to build on skills you already possess as a young individual.
As part of the Young Enterprise team, you will be expected to show dedication, resilience and creativity. There are several roles that you could undertake which are detailed below, so there is something for everyone! The process must be taken seriously but it is also an opportunity to work closely with peers and have fun (but not too much!) Have a look to see if any of the roles interest you and if they do fill in an application form. Ultimately you will get out what you put in… if you put in 100% this can be a really enjoyable extra-curricular activity.
In Sixth Form you have to undertake ‘enrichment’ and competing in the Young Enterprise competition can be used as this. It is also recognised by Universities across the country and they value the skills gained from this process.
Your application should be handed to Miss Newnes (in H24).
If there are any questions about the Young Enterprise Company Programme, please email Miss Newnes (
The deadline for applications is Friday 8th September 2023
The Managing Director is ultimately responsible for controlling and overseeing all operations, people and projects. Your goal is to lead and co-ordinate a board of Directors to ensure that the student company succeeds.
Above all, you must be an active player in the student company team and you need to have passion and motivation in order to succeed.
The assistant managing director would stand in if the managing director was unavailable. The assistant MD will work closely with the MD to lead the team but they will have slightly less responsibility.
REPORTS TO: Managing Director
ROLE SUMMARY: Oversee all selling aspects of the student company. You will seek out customers and drive sales through a variety of channels. Your goal is to grow the enterprise by achieving sales targets and ensuring customer satisfaction.
If you are part of the sales team, you will be communicating with customers and businesses regarding the selling of your product and service. This is a customer facing role, so you must be comfortable talking to various people from all different walks of life!
REPORTS TO: Managing Director
ROLE SUMMARY: Oversee all marketing aspects of the student company. You will develop and implement a marketing plan to increase awareness of your enterprise in the marketplace. Your goal is to promote the student company in order to thrive against competitors. You will work closely with the creative and tech team to create a website and run the social media accounts.
If you are in the marketing team you could be designing marketing material, running social media accounts or planning campaigns. If you are interested in promoting the business, deciding the pricing strategy that should be used and choosing where the product will sell, this role is for you!
REPORTS TO: Managing Director
ROLE SUMMARY: Oversee all financial aspects of the student company. You will drive the student company’s financial plan and keep track of the money. Your goal is to guide it towards profitability and success.
If you are part of the finance team, you will aid the financial director and will report directly to them. You are there to support the financial director and ensure everything is running smoothly with cash inflows and outflows.
REPORTS TO: Managing Director
ROLE SUMMARY: Oversee all operational aspects of the student company. You will ensure that all products or services are designed, produced and delivered in an accurate, cost-effective, sustainable and timely manner. Your goal is to ensure quality, whilst maintaining or improving profitability.
REPORTS TO: Managing Director
ROLE SUMMARY: Oversee all aspects of Human Resources practices and processes in the student company. You are responsible for looking after the members of your team. Your goal is to support and develop student company members to get the best out of everyone in order to succeed. If someone needs firing, this is your duty!
If you are in the admin team, you are expected to take minutes of every meeting and work closely with the managing director. You will check attendance at every meeting and collate information given to you by the managing director, a very important role.
REPORTS TO: Managing Director
ROLE SUMMARY: Oversee all technical aspects of the student company. You will ensure that IT and data systems are effective and functioning. You will manage digital marketing channels (e.g. website, emails and social media) with the marketing team. Your goal is to drive all digital and technology efforts to achieve success.
If you are on the tech team you will be expected to work on the company website as well as take control of the company emails.
REPORTS TO: Managing Director
ROLE SUMMARY: You will make sure that the student company’s practices, products and procedures are sustainable. Your goal is to ensure that the student company is committed to sustainability by considering the impact on the planet and communities, which in turn can also improve the student company’s reputation and profitability.
REPORTS TO: Managing Director
ROLE SUMMARY: You will have the important role of designing everything for the company! Starting with a logo then leading into the website, social media banners and tangible marketing materials. You may be asked to create infographics that the company can post on their website or be asked to design a poster to put up in the local area. The creative director must have a passion for art and design and it would be beneficial if they could use computer software such as Photoshop.
As you can see there are plenty of job roles to suit everyone! Think about which ones would suit you, your personality and your skills and then put them on your letter of application.
Please note there are 15 spaces in a team which is why there is an application process. The 15 most suited candidates who produce the best applications will be chosen. You need to be dedicated to this process from the start and now is your time to get started!
Good luck