Curriculum Intent
The curriculum is planned to ensure that all students regardless of ability or background leave Alleyne’s Academy with a preparedness and readiness to take advantage of the opportunities, promote academic growth and social mobility.
The curriculum for Y9-11 is planned sequentially to ensure that knowledge and skills are taught in such a way that will enable learners to be qualified and equipped to make appropriate decisions and choices about their next steps. Our aim is to provide challenges and successes for all, by offering differentiated and diverse opportunities.
The curriculum is broad and balanced and organised under seven areas of learning and experience. Threaded through these are cross curricular strands of learning SMSC, Skills for Life, FBV, literacy and numeracy. These cross curricular skills are essential in order to prepare learners fully for future success. We will provide a love of learning and thirst for knowledge by ensuring that our subject curricular remain engaging, relevant, and subject specialists will draw on links to careers and applications of knowledge wherever possible. Our CONNECT curriculum will support the pastoral work of the school and together these curricular opportunities will show learners the importance of laws and boundaries, demonstrating integrity and teach our young people to value emotional and physical health, leading safe and active lives where their participation is valued.
The curriculum in Y12-13 offers clear and appropriate progression for learners who choose to stay on in the sixth form. We plan for breadth of learning by offering a range of academic and vocational subjects again with an emphasis on the cross curricular strands of learning. Leaders map and evaluate the post 16 programme of study to ensure that learners have high aspirations and placed in a strong position for future Higher Education, learning and/or employment.
Curriculum Implementation
Senior and middle leaders ensure that the planning of the curriculum promotes the implementation of high-quality teaching and learning. Teachers are involved in the planning of the curriculum and delivering key knowledge, understanding and concepts in such a way that enables deep learning rather than just learning to the test. Students enjoy their learning and we see this evidenced in classrooms and during extra-curricular activities.
The curriculum is planned to develop positive attitudes as well as subject specific and broader skills. Learning is sequenced across Y9-11 and Y12-13 in order to embed knowledge fluently as well as present increased levels of challenge and skill development.
Quality of implementation is evaluated through scrutiny of a range of evidence including outcome data, assessment information, lesson observations, and scheme of work scrutiny, book scrutinies and student voice to ensure that high standards of engagement are maintained.
Curriculum Impact
The impact of the curriculum is measured using the following criteria:
We work closely with our feeder middle schools to ensure that the Key Stage 3 curriculum is covered in the core subjects. This is monitored for any changes and forms part of the curriculum planning for English, Mathematics and Science departments.
We provide opportunities for our students to take part in activities which will give them experiences of every aspect of the curriculum in addition to the core, statutory teaching and their chosen ‘taster’ subjects. The Year 9 curriculum is designed to be broad and balanced to enable the pupils to build on prior skills, knowledge and understanding they have gained.
The support programme that we have each year is as follows (dates from 23-24):
We provide regular information and updates for students and parents throughout the academic year:
Key Stage 3 Curriculum (Year 9)
In line with the National Curriculum, all students study a broad and balanced set of subjects that builds on their knowledge attained at middle school. The curriculum provision will be evaluated at the end of the academic year and modified, if necessary, to meet the needs of the students.
Subject |
Hours Per Fortnight |
Year 9 |
English (Language & Literature) |
7 |
Mathematics |
8 |
Science |
9 |
RE |
2 |
Core PE |
3 |
3 hr 20 min |
Art |
3 |
Business Enterprise |
2 |
Computer Science |
2 |
Drama (Music & Performing Arts) |
3 |
Design & Technology |
3 |
Geography |
3 |
History |
3 |
French |
2 |
A detailed curriculum map for each of the subjects outlined above can be accessed here
From September 2023, students will be asked to choose their GCSE options at the end of Year 9. They then spend Year 10 and 11 studying these subjects, leading up to their GCSE examinations in the summer term of Year 11. Providing additional time for all of our subjects as the students work through to Year 11 allows for more skills to be embedded as part of the courses we provide. It also means that there is time for us to take a more creative approach to each subject rather than needing to focus almost entirely on assessment, but more on learning and facilitating a desire to learn in our students.
Subject |
Hours Per Fortnight |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
English (Language & Literature) |
7 |
9 |
Mathematics |
7 |
7 |
Science |
9 |
12 |
RE |
5 |
- |
Core PE |
2 |
2 |
3 hr 20 min |
3 hr 20 min |
Option 1 |
5 |
5 |
Option 2 |
5 |
5 |
Option 3 |
5 |
5 |
Option 4 |
5 |
5 |
The main structure of our curriculum is that:
English | Maths | Science | RE |
Art: Art, Craft & Design | Art: Graphic Communication | Art: Textile Design | Drama |
Computer Science | Design & Technology | Business/Enterprise* | French |
Geography | Health & Social Care* | Hospitality and Catering | History |
IT* | Music | PE / Sport* |
The subjects indicated with a * are provided using the vocational pathway Technical Awards.
Additional Compulsory Elements
In addition to the statutory curriculum, we also offer the additional compulsory elements within our curriculum:
as well as:
Development of British values should be evident:
in the curriculum
in assemblies
in the PSHE Schemes of Work
in tutorial Schemes of Work
displays around the school
extra‐curricular activities
modelled by all staff in the school
in the ethos of the school
What we do in lessons, tutor time and PSHE
The list below describes the understanding and knowledge expected of pupils as a result of schools promoting fundamental British values.
Actively promoting the values means that we challenge opinions or behaviours in school that are contrary to fundamental British values. Attempts to promote systems that undermine fundamental British values would be completely at odds with schools’ duty to provide SMSC. Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour within and outside school which includes not undermining fundamental British values.
Level 3 courses are usually allocated 9 hours per fortnight.
A Levels: |
Art |
Biology |
Business |
Chemistry |
Drama |
English Language |
English Literature |
French |
Geography |
History |
Maths |
Further Maths |
Music |
Physics |
Product Design |
Psychology |
Sociology |
Spanish |
RE |
Applied Generals: |
Business |
Health & Social Care |
IT |
Psychology |
Sport |
Science |
Re-sit GCSE English and Maths as necessary.
Alleyne’s Sixth Form provides a friendly but academically challenging learning community. We set high standards and expect our students to work hard in order to fulfil their potential. Sixth Form students are integral to the smooth running of the school and act as ambassadors for and leaders of our younger students.
Alleyne’s Sixth Form programme of study ensures that students follow courses where there is clear progression to their next steps in education, training or employment. We ensure that all students have the opportunity to develop vital employability skills such as leadership, teamwork and self-discipline.
We also ensure that students are well prepared to make a positive contribution to society by broadening their experience through university visits, residentials, cultural experience and colleagues from the world of business, enterprise and education coming in to the school and inspiring our students.
Enrichment activities play a large part in Sixth Form life such as sport, Young Enterprise, Duke of Edinburgh, charity work, work experience and a wide variety of leadership roles within the school.
The Heads of Sixth Form and their dedicated tutors form a specialist team to guide students throughout their time in the Sixth Form, ably preparing them for their next steps whether that is employment with training or University.
Professor Alison Wolf, in her review of vocational education (2011), recommended that the Department introduce study programmes to offer students breadth and depth, without limiting their options for future study or work.
Professor Wolf also recommended that all young people should be able to gain real experience and knowledge of the workplace in order to enhance their employability skills.
Study programmes are designed to provide students with a structured and challenging learning programme to support their development and progression in line with their career plans.
As the main element of each student’s programme of study, we offer a range of academic and vocational qualifications. We have three routes into the Sixth Form:
Route 1: Three Applied General courses
Route 2: Three A Levels or A Levels and Applied General courses
Route 3: Four A Levels or A Levels and Applied General courses.
Other areas within the Sixth Form Study Programme are:
Art Applied Psychology* Applied Science* Biology Business**
Chemistry Computer Science Design & Technology Drama English Language
English Literature French Geography Health & Social Care* History
IT* Maths Music Applied Sport* Physics
RE Further Maths
The subjects indicated with a * are provided using the vocational pathway Applied General qualifications. Business** is offered as both A Level and Applied General.
Year 12 Curriculum Maps Year 13 Curriculum Maps