Alleyne’s Sixth Form provides a friendly but academically challenging learning community. We set high standards and expect our students to work hard in order to fulfil their potential. Sixth Form students are integral to the smooth running of the school and act as ambassadors for and leaders of our younger students.
Alleyne’s Sixth Form programme of study ensures that students follow courses where there is clear progression to their next steps in education, training or employment. We ensure that all students have the opportunity to develop vital employability skills such as leadership, teamwork and self-discipline.
We also ensure that students are well prepared to make a positive contribution to society by broadening their experience through university visits, residentials, cultural experience and colleagues from the world of business, enterprise and education coming in to the school and inspiring our students.
Enrichment activities play a large part in Sixth Form life such as sport, Young Enterprise, Duke of Edinburgh Award, Gold Crest Awards, Buddy Scheme, charity work, work experience and a wide variety of leadership roles within the school.
Year 11 Sixth Form Applications Letter from Head of Sixth Form