Parents Meet the Headteacher February 4th 3:30pm

Uniform Expectations at Alleyne’s Academy

At Alleyne’s Academy we place an emphasis on pride in our community. A visible indication of this is in the standard of students’ uniform. Many visitors have commented on how smart our students are. However, it is important that we maintain these high standards while clarifying uniform requirements.

Uniform Guidelines

  • Black blazer with the school badge: No rolled-up sleeves
  • Standard plain black trousers: No hipsters, jean-style, flared trousers with exposed fashion buttons or zips
  • Alleyne’s Castle Tartan Skirt (Year 9 & 10): Minimum length is 18 inches. Lycra, tube, or stretch skirts may not be worn
  • School black knee-length skirt (Years 11): This is the only permitted style
  • White plain school shirt: Must be plain with no additional styling
  • School clip-on tie: House colours
  • Black plain V-neck jumper (optional): No other style of jumper can be worn (includes hoodies and sweatshirts). Jumpers must be worn under a blazer, not in place of it
  • Solid black shoes: No canvas, pumps, sports trainers, or fabric shoes
  • Plain dark-colored coat: No denim or leather

PE Kit

  • Black shorts, black socks, Alleyne’s blue sports top, or plain white polo shirt: Trainers are also required
  • Recommended for outdoor wear: Black tracksuit or black leggings, Alleyne’s rugby top, and football boots

Students iwho wear an incorrect skirt will be expected to wear trousers as an alternative.

Important Notes

Fashion items of clothing are not suitable for school. Denim is not allowed at all. Excessive make-up and fashion jewelry are unsuitable for school and may pose a health and safety risk. Hair must be appropriate for school, and extreme hairstyles (e.g., shaved heads, Mohicans, or brightly colored dyed hair) are not allowed. Earrings should be unobtrusive studs or sleepers; a single stud or sleeper may be worn in each ear. No hoops or ear expanders are permitted, and no other body or facial piercings are allowed.

Permitted Uniform Examples

Acceptable Footwear

Acceptable Footwear

Acceptable Skirts and Trousers

Acceptable Skirts and Trousers

Acceptable Trousers

Acceptable Trousers

Unacceptable Uniform Guidelines

Unacceptable Footwear

No trainers, pumps, or shoes with logos (e.g. Nike, Adidas). No canvas, suede, or mesh materials are allowed.

Unacceptable Footwear

Unacceptable Skirts and Trousers

Trousers with zips, writing, or studs. Tight-fitting trousers (leggings), and skirts that are too short are not allowed.

Unacceptable Trousers and Skirts

Important Notes on Uniform Policy

The Headteacher may send a student home after consulting with parents/carers to resolve breaches of the school’s appearance or uniform rules. This will not count as an exclusion but as an authorized absence. However, if the student continues to breach uniform rules in such a way as to avoid school, the absence may be counted as unauthorized.

It is important that all items of clothing and other possessions are clearly marked with the student’s name, either using a name tag or indelible ink. The suppliers of the blazer and school skirts are: Smart Uniform