Parents Meet the Headteacher February 4th 3:30pm

Free School Meals

Are You Entitled to Free School Meals?

Parents claiming certain benefits can apply for free school meals for their children who are registered at a Staffordshire school and who would normally be attending school at lunchtime.

School meals help ensure your child eats well and you can save both time and money. Even if you don’t want your children to receive the meals, claiming them helps support the school through additional funding.

How Does It Help the School?

For every pupil registered with the council as eligible under the entitlement criteria, the school receives additional funding known as Pupil Premium. This funding helps raise achievement levels. Schools decide how to spend this funding and publish the impact on student outcomes.

Check if You’re Eligible

To find out if you are entitled to help, please visit the Staffordshire County Council’s education page:

Check Eligibility