Parents Meet the Headteacher February 4th 3:30pm

Our Core Purpose

At Alleyne's Academy, we are committed to excellence in education and the holistic development of our students. Our core purpose includes:

  • Outstanding Progress: Ensuring that every student makes exceptional progress.
  • Safe Environment: Creating a safe and happy environment that fosters learning and well-being.
  • Quality Teaching: Providing high-quality teaching and learning experiences.
  • Developing Future Citizens: Helping students grow into responsible citizens of tomorrow.
  • Collaboration: Working with the Stone partnership of schools to provide an outstanding education.

Our Core Values

Our values shape the culture at Alleyne's Academy and define how we interact within our community. We are dedicated to:

  • Inclusion and Opportunity: Promoting inclusion and equality of opportunity for all students.
  • Respect and Tolerance: Encouraging tolerance and respect for every individual in our diverse community.
Alleyne's Academy Logo

“Nisi Dominus Frustra - 1558”